Thursday, April 9, 2009

Work and explanation

Sorry for the quality of the pics. They are taken on my phone camera.

We worked in Massachusetts at the myopia hunting club. There are five courts all in the same area side by side. We scratched and scraped the surface and removed the material along with lots of debris. Then it got rolled and power raked, in preparation for spreading new material on top. After we spread that it was power raked and rolled again. That was it for today. It doesn't sound like a lot but it was hard work. Power rake is what they call a piece of chain link fence being dragged behind a little lawn tractor.

The explanation is for my last post. I was just being selfish. I start feeling like no one reads the blog when there are no comments but I should write this for the enjoyment of writing, not for the feed back I get from it. So you can ignore my childish moment.

I can't get Brielle interested in writing in the blog any more. I am not sure if she will write anytime soon....Sorry. Maybe someone else should suggest it or maybe I should just leave it alone.


Anonymous said...

Myopia hunting club? Is that a joke?

Peter Bradley said...

That's funny because I looked up myopia on the internet thinking the club would come right up and all I got was the eye sites. I wonder where they got the name?

Clemson Bradford said...

Ah, here:
More country club than hunting club, it looks like.