Tuesday, June 9, 2009

chicks and keats

Brielle is holding a keat(baby guinea), it looks just like a chick.

We got chicks and keats on Saturday from Rand's in Plymouth. We originally ordered some meat chickens and an assortment of layers(Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps, Araucana, and Barred Rocks) but when we went to pick up part of our order there where some Guinea keats so we got six of them. One has died, not sure why, but all the others are doing ok so far. After we got them home I showed Cassandra a picture of an adult Guinea and she was not to excited about what they are going to look like. I have also heard they can be unfriendly and noisy. We are going to try and handle them a lot to help them be as tame as possible. I wanted them because they are supposed to be great for ridding your property of ticks and other bugs. The white headed bird is a picture of an adult guinea that I got from the internet, very pretty... If they end up being a problem I also read that they have all dark meat and are good eating.

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