Sunday, January 23, 2011

Inside and Outside

I have been trying to figure out what to do with our surplus eggs since we have been having a hard time selling any. I finally looked on the net to see if you could freeze eggs and apparently you can! It recommends scrambling them, but not so much that you put air into them , and then putting it in ball jars. I did just over seven dozen and filled twelve pint size ball jars so roughly 7 eggs per container. I'll have to post again when I cook some of the frozen eggs to let you know how it all worked out.
I then spent a large part of the day outside. It was so nice to be out even though it was in the teens today. The sun was out and I was fairly active at first so even though I wasn't dressed particularly warm I felt fine. I have wanted to be able to put out feeders on the deck so we would have some birds around again. Since I replaced the deck I have not put anything up that would hold feeders. I wanted to do something rustic this time so I went into the woods and found a very small Hemlock with what looked to be good strong and plentiful branches. I then got out my antique draw shave and debarked the whole thing. The picture shows it complete with a feeder I recently rebuilt and a bird house that I also recently fixed.
That may be it for today. I was going to make some Cinnamon buns but I smashed my finger pretty good trying to put up the bird feeder holder by myself. Thank's to Brielle for helping to hold it in place while I attached it to the deck.

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