Sunday, March 8, 2009

weekend update

Friday I was building a yellow birch chair and cut my hand while drilling with a forstner bit. It was one of those "that was really stupid" moments. As soon as I saw the cuts I was pretty sure I needed stitches so I went to Mom and Kens to get their opinions. They were not sure I needed stitches but said I should at least get a tetanus shot. I ended up getting four stitches and the tetanus shot since the last record of me being there was twelve years ago. The chair on the left of the picture was the culprit. I think Ciara is getting the other chair, for her "half birthday", but I still can't pick out a seat. I want to do a woven seat so you don't sit to high but the seat area is rather large. Saturday Brielle and Cassandra made a snowman. Brielle was a little distracted so Cassandra did most of it. My contribution is in Brielle's hand. I finished the birch chair on Saturday and started making cooking utensils out of thin strips from our firewood. I will post some of those pics soon. It is always fun to try something a little different.

I am doing a woven hong kong/sea grass seat on the birch chair. Any suggestions for the other?

From Brielle:Today me my mom my dad and my friend Emily went to the ocean. We found lots of shells. I went up to a little pool and saw my first crab that day and tried to touch it but it tried to duel with me. So... I picked up a long rock and tried to touch it with that but it clung on to seaweed under a rock so I gave up.We found some drift wood but not much.We found two full sand dollars and four half sand dollars. And I cant say anymore because I am very tired so goodnight sleep tight!!! bbbyyyeee!!! I thought I could put more pictures on this post so they are going to be a little mixed up. I will do a second post for more pics. Today we went to Higgins beach and Cape Elizabeth in Maine to look for shells and whatever other treasure we could find. Also it was just so nice out we had to get out.

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