Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Raspberry picking and "On The Town" musical

Well I always upload the pictures in the wrong order! Ken invited us to see his play, On The Town, tonight. They are having a dress rehearsal and we got to be part of the audience. It was very well done and very funny. It had a bit too much romance(kissing) for Brielle and Alyssa but they loved the dancing and some of the comedic parts. Sam and Debbie, Sumner, Pat Timbury and Mom also went to see the show. Before we went to the play we visited Nathan, Annie, Paige(who just happened to be in the play) and Scabbers, Brielle's old Rat. After that we went to pic Raspberries at Cassandra's Parent's house. I think the picking will be better in another week but we(mostly Cassandra) pickes about three containers.

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